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    Dahome Street, Kajenga Road Plot # 245, Block 45C, Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Research & Development

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Our Think Tank produces interdisciplinary R&D and public engagement on the social implications of IT & AI. We work on the following R&D:

Applied AI Research

  • Collaborative Research Projects
  • Problem-Solving Research Initiatives
  • Development of Open-Source AI Tools
  • AI for Social Impact Research

  • Studying AI’s Impact on Societal Issues
  • Strategies for Using AI in Humanitarian Efforts
  • Community Engagement in AI Research
  • AI Policy Research

  • Examining Legal and Ethical Aspects of AI
  • Contributing to AI Policy Development
  • Advocacy for Ethical AI Regulations
  • Community-Driven AI Projects

  • Initiating AI Projects for Local Communities
  • Participatory AI Research
  • Empowering Underserved Communities with AI
  • a.Applied AI Research

  • Collaboration with Academic Institutions
  • Joint Research Initiatives with Other Non-Profit Organizations
  • Supporting AI Research Networks