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    Dahome Street, Kajenga Road Plot # 245, Block 45C, Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Africa Research Institute For AI (ARIFA), is a not-for-profit think tank united by a shared commitment to advancing impactful research, training and advisory. ARIFA is specifically focused on Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and seeks to foster innovation, facilitate knowledge exchange, and drive evidence-based policymaking to effectively tackle the dynamic challenges posed by the rapid advancements in technology.

Rooted in its commitment to interdisciplinary research and collaboration, ARIFA has emerged as a pivotal force within the research and development (R&D) sector. As a key player in the renaissance of AI, ARIFA actively contributes to shaping the future integration of AI and other emerging technologies into the fabric of modern society.

Since its inception, ARIFA has been dedicated to fostering a renaissance in AI, leveraging computational power and abundant data to push the boundaries of real-world applications. As ARIFA continues its journey, its historic background stands as a testament to its founding principles, serving as a foundation for growth, impact, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the ever-evolving fields of AI and other Emerging Technologies.

Diversity, Equity, and Belonging

ARIFA is committed to fostering an inclusive work environment for everyone. We embrace and celebrate the unique experiences, perspectives and cultural backgrounds each employee brings to our workplace. ARIFA aims to create an environment where our employees feel respected, valued and empowered, and to create an inclusive workplace through which our team members are an integral part.

Ventures/Research Partners

ARIFA now’s work is done through collaborations across an expansive, world-class network that includes scholars, technologists, policy-makers, advocates, and many others. We have established formal partnerships with the following organizations: