• Address:

    Dahome Street, Kajenga Road Plot # 245, Block 45C, Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Levels of Engagement and Support

Level 1 - Annual Donation of $25,000

  • Publications & Newsletter
  • Invitation to ARIFA events
  • Donor recognition on the ARIFA website
  • Fellowship and Internship recruiting opportunities
  • Opportunities to provide guest lectures and to sponsor networking events.

  • Level 2 - Annual Donation of $50,000

    All ARIFA Level 1 Partner opportunities, plus;
  • Contract Research
  • Project Management
  • Personell Exchange: Research & Advisory
  • Shared Workload & Joint Projects
  • Full access to ARIFA collected data
  • Generic/collaborative driven research oriented toward creating new knowledge and tools valuable to the greater community and general public.

  • Level 3 - Annual Donation of $100,000

    All ARIFA Level 2 Partner opportunities, plus;
  • Partnership guided by the ARIFA Director
  • An assigned, dedicated research liaison within the ARIFA group
  • Pre-Access to papers before publication.