Embracing AI: Transforming the Tanzanian Justice System
Executive Summary
There is a differing awareness and engagement level regarding AI adoption in Tanzanian courts. While few are aware and engaged, many lack awareness and involvement. Furthermore, challenges related to regulatory frameworks, technological capabilities, and infrastructure are also apparent.
- Revision of policies, formulation of unifed ICT strategy, and promotion of e-Services adoption for AI integration in the justice sector.
- Targeted awareness campaigns through seminars, webinars, newsletters, and social media to educate legal professionals about AI.
- Structured AI training, hands-on workshops, and mentorship programs tailored to different legal professionals' needs.
- Investment in ICT infrastructure and modernizing court facilities for broadband readiness, with a unifed dashboard for monitoring AI and ICT initiatives.
- Establishing a regulatory body, leveraging success stories, and implementing a monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure responsible AI use and sustainable adoption.